February 17, 2010

The tale of two TV serials

'Madras Eye' forced me to take a day off and I was almost quarantined in my house. By afternoon, boredom had set in and I took to TV surfing.

A scene in a serial
Lady 1: can instantly say, she is the villi. With over the top makeup, garish saree, high tempo BGM, and that iconic creepy looks.. there was no doubt about it.
Lady 1 hands over a small red packet to Lady 2. Lady 2 receives it with equally creepy looks
Lady1 : "This contains a certain drug. Mix it with her food, she is bound to misbehave and create a scene, use this opportunity and throw her out"
Lady 2 nods...Lady1 and Lady2 exchange the 'conspirator' smiles [ atleast 4 closeup shots of each are shown in a loop ]

Yeppa..mudiyale...I change to cricket and move on to other channels..

Another channel, another serial
Lady 1: can instantly say, she is the villi. With over the top makeup, garish saree, high tempo BGM, and that iconic creepy looks.. there was no doubt about it.
Lady 1 hands over a small red bottle to Lady 2. Lady 2 receives it with equally creepy looks
Lady1 : "This contains slow poison. Mix it with her food gradually. she will die after 10 days"
Lady 2 nods..Lady1 and Lady2 exchange the 'conspirator' smiles [atleast 4 closeup shots of each are shown in a loop ]

Enna koduma saravanan idhu!!
The infection in the eye, which had sobered down a little came back with a vengeance..


Zach Taylor said...

lol..very funny. i can totally imagine the scenes. good job describing them.

Krishnan said...

I never do the cardinal mistake of watching afternoon soaps. I would prefer Sun News channel anytime :-)

Anonymous said...

en suganthi en :)