August 12, 2005

World's Tallest Topairy in Manipur

Listed in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1999 The family, which nurtures the 61-feet tall topiary, does not have enough money for the tree's growth and maintenance

The Hindu reports that the topiary is locally called Sambanlei Sekpil & the botanical name is duranta repes linn.

The owner had this interesting grumbling
"The growth rate has almost come to nil as we do not have enough money to buy the required [a small amount of] chicken's blood for its maintenance. We had approached the Government several times. But only assurances are given but till date we have not received any money. Sometimes, the chicken traders help us,"

Topiary: n 1: a garden having shrubs clipped or trimmed into decorative shapes especially of animals 2: making decorative shapes by trimming shrubs or trees

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